Fault Location Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR)

Utilities have been looking to improve performance metrics as a means to meet regulations since the late 1990s. One of the most reliable ways to improve power availability and reliability indices and to comply with regulatory standards for uptime is to quickly determine fault locations, isolate faults, and automatically restore power to healthy feeders. G&W Electric has been installing Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) systems for over 20 years. We offer the latest innovations in FLISR technology to help utilities reduce the duration of outages and provide more reliable power to their customers.

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Features and Benefits

FLISR Configurations

Our FLISR system features the same configuration details as stated in Automatic Source Transfer with the addition of the following:

Closed Loop:  The fastest option with restoration times as fast as 8 cycles. Closed loop solutions are a great choice for universities, military bases, or other locations that require uninterruptible power.

Open Loop:  Allows for fault isolation and restoration within seconds. Open loop solutions are typically best for most commercial and residential circuits, and municipal customers.

Multi-Source Network:  Indicates greater than two sources feeding a circuit. These applications frequently involve more advanced algorithms like load flow and source prioritization. Multi-source networks solutions are excellent for local utility circuits, some campus environments, downtown circuits, and rural circuits.

Architecture:  Automation logic can either reside in each switch control/relay (decentralized) or in a centralized control.

Communication:  For decentralized schemes, communication between devices (peer-to-peer) is optional. Communication is mandatory for centralized schemes. Communication options include fiber optic, cellular, radio, or mesh network.

Single Phase FLISR:  Is an additional option to further improve reliability indices by only isolating the single phase that is affected by a fault.

Next Steps: Get Started with LaZer Automation

Talk to your G&W Electric sales representative about a LaZer Automation pilot project. Start small with a proof of concept and gain support internally. You can grow from there as all LaZer solutions are scalable.

Schedule a free consultation with a LaZer Automation team member to take a look at a single-line diagram for circuits with poor performance or circuits with critical loads and discuss what LaZer Automation can do for you.

Product Literature

LaZer® Power Grid Automation Brochure


Proven Solutions for Critical Power

Case Studies

Automatic Source Transfer for Medical Plant


University Network Upgrade with Automation


Solid Dielectric Underground Scalable Fault Isolation


Automatic Feeder Restoration in Residential Area


Airport Feeder Restoration


Industrial Manufacturing Feeder Restoration


LaZer® – Turnkey Medical Center Solution
