Centralized Software-Based Automation

Scaling automation systems and transitioning from manual to automatic operations are two major challenges we see our customers face today. G&W Electric’s Grid Automation Software solutions use a model of your system along with real-time data from field devices to optimally respond to system events while providing various modes of automatic system operations. Adding new devices to the automation system is quick and easy without the need for reprogramming and without any limitation on the number of devices participating in the automation solution. This offering consists of a set of tools that are fully integrated with SCADA software and allows operators to monitor, control, coordinate, automatically restore, and verify results for parts or all of a distribution system in real time.

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Features and Benefits

Configuration Details

Centralized Software-Based Automation uses LaZer Automation software running on a central server computer that can respond to an unlimited number of system events without the need for custom programming.

LaZer Automation Software Operational Sequence:

  • Determine the location of the fault.
  • Analyze the loads on faulted sections.
  • Compare the loads to the capacity of the potential sources available.
  • Automatically reconfigure the network to match the restored loads with the source(s) with the most capacity.
  • Confirm and record all operations.

More details:
This software can be operated in manual mode, semi-automatic (approval required to reconfigure), or fully automatic mode. Individual devices and line sections can be disabled so they are taken out of the restoration scheme for safety during repairs or upgrades.

Centralized single-phase FLISR is an additional option to further improve reliability indices by only isolating the single phase that is affected by a fault.

Talk to your G&W Electric sales representative about a LaZer Automation pilot project. Start small with a proof of concept and gain support internally. You can grow from there as all LaZer solutions are scalable.

Schedule a free consulting meeting with a LaZer Automation team member to take a look at a single-line diagram for circuits with poor performance or circuits with critical loads and discuss what LaZer Automation can do for you.

Product Literature

LaZer® Power Grid Automation Brochure


Proven Solutions for Critical Power

Case Studies

Automatic Source Transfer for Medical Plant


Airport Feeder Restoration


Overhead Automatic Transfer with Overcurrent Protection


LaZer® – Turnkey Medical Center Solution
