Automatic Source Transfer on Loss of Voltage

In 1987 G&W Electric introduced the first standalone Automatic Transfer Switch providing reliable power to critical loads on a loss of voltage. Since then we have delivered numerous solutions for various power reconfiguration applications including Preferred/Alternate, Main/Tie/Main, and multisource Load Shedding. Our Automatic Source Transfer solutions utilize padmount and underground switches as well as overhead reclosers and can include peer-to-peer communication for high speed transfers and synchronized returns. But even without any communication, our customized solutions can help you improve power availability and reliability.

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Features and Benefits

Automatic Source Transfer on Loss of Voltage Configuration Details

Each Automatic Source Transfer solution includes options for switches, communication equipment, and programming. You may choose from:

Switches: standalone multi-way padmount or vault switch. 2 or more overhead reclosers.

Restoration time requirements on loss of voltage: cycles or seconds.

Communication equipment: None, Fiber Optic, Cellular, or Radio.

Programming logic: restoration timing, overcurrent protection, open or closed transitions, and synchronized returns.

Talk to your G&W Electric sales representative about a LaZer Automation pilot project. Start small with a proof of concept and gain support internally. You can grow from there as all LaZer solutions are scalable.

Schedule a free consulting meeting with a LaZer Automation team member to take a look at a single-line diagram for circuits with poor performance or circuits with critical loads and discuss what LaZer Automation can do for you.

Product Literature

ATC Trident padmount (air gear style) Specification


ATC Trident padmount (front access style) Specification


Automatic Transfer Control Packages (ATC451)


LaZer® Power Grid Automation Brochure


Proven Solutions for Critical Power

Case Studies

Industrial Manufacturing Feeder Restoration


University FLISR Solution


Reducing System Outages & Increase Reliability


University Network Upgrade with Automation


Overhead Automatic Transfer with Overcurrent Protection


Military Base Closed Loop Restoration


Enhances Chesapeake Bay Bridge with an Advanced Power System


Cal Poly Pomona – G&W Electric’s Campus Grid Modernization Solution


LaZer® Power Grid Automation solution supplies critical power – Cuivre River Electric Co-op
