G&W Electric’s Canada Office Named One of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2023
G&W Electric is proud to have been recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2023. Continually improving our environmental performance is a top priority, and our Green Team has introduced a series of sustainability initiatives at its facility in Brampton, Ontario.
Some of the initiatives from G&W Electric include recycling wooden pallets and sand, as well as recycling personal protection equipment, including COVID-19- related masks and gloves. Other steps have included using more visible recycling bins and ensuring work rags that had previously gone to the landfill were laundered and reused, removing all disposable cups, reducing paper towel use, and introducing a green bin program for organic waste.
G&W Electric also invested $300,000 to replace fluorescent lights with energy efficient LED lighting throughout its shops and offices. LED lighting reduces energy costs by $9,000 a month while improving employee morale because it is a cleaner, brighter light for employees and helps them feel more energized.
These initiatives have also involved employee education and training, and the combined effect has increased our landfill diversion to 86%.
G&W Electric continues to strive to take positive actions on the environment. Learn more about this important recognition, here.